We are very excited to start your easy learning Modern Python exploration. Modern Python is an excellent choice for beginners due to its focus on readability and clear syntax.


But what does Modern Python exactly mean?


Modern Python is a very flexible programming language that keeps up with the rapidly changing tech industry. We will go over important Python tools, features, and ideas necessary for contemporary web development in this blog post.


  • Tools for Python Development

Python is just one of many programming languages that require a set of tools. Here’s a brief overview:


Getting Started:

Make sure you have installed Python 3.7 or higher. You can check by running “python –version”  in your terminal.


Package Management:

Pip is used to download third-party Python packages. If you’re new to Python, make sure you have pip installed by following the instructions on the pip website.


Virtual Environments:

Use virtual environments (venv) to handle packages independently for various projects. 

Activate with:

$ source venv1/bin/activate


Deactivate with:

$ source venv1/bin/deactivate.



Consider using Poetry for package management. Install it with:

$ pip install poetry


Source Formatting:

Maintain consistent code style using tools like Black (pip install black).



For testing, use pytest. Install it with:

$ pip install pytest


Source Control:

Git is the standard for version control. Use GitHub and other platforms for collaborative development, and become familiar with Git commands.


  • Understanding Variables and Type Hints

Variables in Python are not direct memory pointers; instead, they are names attached to objects. Since Python 3.6, type hints have been available; you can declare a variable’s expected type without having to enforce it at runtime.


# Variable with type hint

answer: int = 42


# Type hint for function parameters and return value

def add_numbers(a: int, b: int) -> int:

 return a + b


  • Data Structures in Python

Discover the many data structures available in Python, including sets, dictionaries, and lists.



# List

numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]


# Dictionary

person = {‘name’: ‘John’, ‘age’: 30, ‘city’: ‘New York’}


  • Python Web Frameworks

Discover web frameworks that simplify web development by handling the translation between HTTP and Python data structures.



A full-featured framework for larger projects with built-in database support. Django is a free and open-source Python web development framework used in building websites.It is popular for its robust and straightforward nature. It’s one of the most popular frameworks globally and is used by Tech giants like Instagram, Youtube, etc. Django is also popular because it encourages reusable code.



Flask is a micro web framework written in Python. A micro web framework is a web development framework with an easy setup and can be used in developing minimalistic web applications. It was created to build web apps with the Python programming language. It was designed to be easy, fast, and to scale up complex applications and microservices (which is a lightweight application that provides a narrowed list of features with a well-defined contract).



Fast API is a modern, open-source, fast, and highly performant Python web framework used for building Web APIs and is based on Python 3.6+ standard type hints. Fast API validates the developer’s data type even in deeply nested JSON requests.


As the digital world changes, modern Python keeps up with the times, which makes it a great option for developers developing scalable and effective online apps.


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