Getting Started with FastAPI

Modern architecture is based on APIs (Application Programming Interface), which enable modular and decoupled applications. This means you can create applications quickly and easily, making them easy to maintain and update. APIs are also very important in machine learning because they allow different applications to share data and work together, saving time and effort. There are many different frameworks for building APIs in Python. Django, Flask, and FastAPI are some of the most popular Python frameworks for creating APIs. 

FastAPI is a Python web framework designed from the ground up to use modern Python features.


API stands for Application Programming Interface. An API is a software interface that allows two applications to communicate with one another. When you use a phone application, it connects to the Internet and sends data to a server. The data is then processed by the server and sent back to your phone. The data is then interpreted by the application on your phone and presented to you in a readable format. 

An API is similar to a waiter in a restaurant. The waiter takes your order and sends it to the kitchen. The food is then prepared by the kitchen and delivered to the waiter. The waiter then brings the food to you.


FastAPI is a modern Python web framework, very efficient in building APIs. FastAPI was developed by Sebastian Ramirez in Dec. 2018. It is one of Python’s fastest web frameworks. FastAPI boasts performance comparable to NodeJS and the Go language, offering a 2-3X increase in development speed. With excellent editor support and ease of learning, it provides robust, production-ready code and automatic interactive documentation. Fully compatible with OpenAPI and JSON Schema, FastAPI ensures seamless integration with existing technologies.

Let’s start working on it, but we need to install FastAPI. Oh! don’t worry about that, we are going to explain a simple and easy way to install a FastAPI.

How to Install FastAPI?

To get started with FastAPI, you first need to install it. Open your terminal and run the following command:

pip install fastapi

Additionally, you can install an ASGI server, such as uvicorn, to run your FastAPI application:

pip install “uvicorn[standard]”

Simple FastAPI example

Here’s a simple FastAPI application:

Create a file named and add the following code:

  • #Import the FastAPI class.

from fastapi import FastAPI

#Create an instance of FastAPI named app.

app = FastAPI()

#Use the @app.get(“/”) decorator to define a route for the root URL.


#The async def root(): function is executed when a GET request is made to the root URL.

def read_root():

    return {“greeting”: “Hello, FastAPI!”}

Save this as, then run it from within your “venv” with the command uvicorn main:app. The app object is what you’d use for your ASGI server. 

Once things are running, navigate to localhost:8000 (the default for a Uvicorn test server). You’ll see {“greeting”:”Hello world”} in the browser

Why Important?

APIs are important in modern architecture because they allow various software programs to share data and functionality. This allows for the development of complex systems that are more reliable and easier to maintain.

Then, we take a deep dive into FastAPI, a relatively new Python framework. FastAPI is a newer API that is intended to be simple to use and efficient. It is an excellent choice for developers who want to create an API quickly and easily.

Feel free to contact us if you have any problem installing Fast API…..


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