The Modern Web

The visionary creator of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee, once said, “We have not yet seen the Web as I had imagined it to be. The future is still so much bigger than the past.”

Evolution of Web

In the early days, making websites was like crafting simple puzzles with pieces of code—PHP, HTML, and MySQL—all mixed in one file. Developers proudly shared their creations, inviting people to check out their websites. But as time passed, the web became a massive space with countless pages. It transformed from a small playground into a huge theme park, filled with numerous different pages and adventures.

In this blog, I’ll point out some areas that have become ever more relevant to the modern web:

  • Services and APIs 
  • Concurrency 
  • Layers 
  • Data 

Navigating the Modern Web

  1. Services and APIs

Today, the web is a strong connecting fabric. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), which allow various web components to communicate with one another, are becoming more and more important, even though a lot still happens on the content side with HTML, JavaScript, and images. Think of APIs as messengers that help applications talk to each other.

Example: Imagine a weather app fetching real-time data from a remote server using an API.

Types of APIs

Different types of APIs define different communication rules. These APIs are essential for tying together various web components, from function calls to messaging systems and remote procedure calls (RPCs).

Example: Your messaging app sends and receives messages via a well-defined API.

HTTP and RESTful Design

Three core elements of the World Wide Web were introduced by Tim Berners-Lee: URLs for addressing web resources, HTTP for client-server communication, and HTML for data display. A popular design methodology called RESTful design places a strong emphasis on using HTTP for structured and effective communication.

Example: Clicking a link in your browser is similar to sending an HTTP request to obtain data.

JSON and API Data Formats

To exchange data between the frontend and backend of web applications, we use JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). It’s a simple yet powerful way to represent and transmit structured data.

Example: A social media app might use JSON to send and receive user data like names and posts.

  1. Concurrency

Efficiency becomes vital as the number of connections on the web increases. Concurrency, the ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously, helps reduce wait times and improves overall performance.

Example: Imagine a video streaming service smoothly handling requests from millions of users at the same time.

  1. Layers in Web Building

Developing web applications is dividing up the functionalities into layers, much like putting together a cake. Each layer has a specific role, from user interaction (Web layer) to business logic (Service layer) and data access (Data layer).

Example: When you order a product online, the Web layer displays options, the Service layer processes the order, and the Data layer accesses inventory.

  1. Data and the Future

Beyond traditional databases, the web plays a crucial role in handling data, especially in the era of machine learning and AI. It helps manage the complexities of ML systems, including data extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL).

Example: Image recognition in a photo-sharing app relies on the web to process and analyze vast amounts of image data.

We will learn about fascinating technologies like Python and the FastAPI web framework as we go on this exploration of the contemporary web. The web is a dynamic and ever-expanding space, offering endless possibilities. 

Join us as we unravel the secrets of web development, making the seemingly complex world of technology accessible and fun for beginners. Get ready to witness the magic of the modern web!!!!


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