Posts in Machine Learning

What is Generative AI

WHAT IS GENERATIVE AI? Generative artificial intelligence (AI) relates with the use of AI technology for the purpose of generating novel forms of material, encompassing text, pictures, music, audio and… Read More

What is Explainable AI?

WHAT IS EXPLAINABLE AI? Explainable AI (XAI) is a set of approaches and tools for increasing transparency in machine learning methods by disclosing their underlying logic. This enables stakeholders to… Read More

The Future of AI and Society

THE FUTURE OF AI AND SOCIETY Artificial intelligence (AI) is quickly revolutionizing a variety of sectors, propelling advances in big data analytics, robotics, and IoT. Generative AI, which generates new… Read More

AI and Emotion Recognition

AI and Emotion Recognition John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky established artificial intelligence (AI) in 1956 with the goal of solving complex riddles. While logical activities such as chess are simple… Read More

Role of AI in Supply Chain.

ROLE OF AI IN SUPPLY CHAIN Since traditional approaches are unable to keep up with the globalized and complicated economic landscape, efficient supply chain management is essential. Due to growing… Read More

Meta AI

META AI You may have noticed a new feature in Meta’s applications during the past few days. Meta AI, a major tech company, has added an AI chatbot to its… Read More

AI and Environmental Sustainability.

AI AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY Climate change and environmental sustainability are critical issues affecting ecosystems, weather patterns, and human societies. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing a significant role in mitigating its… Read More